Published: 17. 4. 2023.
Valid until: 17. 4. 3023.


The new office of Croatian Registry of Shipping (CRS) was opened in Istanbul at the end of last year and officially started operating on the first day of 2023. In a very short period, less than three months, this business decision has proven to be a success. Certain agreements were signed and executed for transfer of classification, transfer of certification for company DOC, shipboard ISM, ISPS, MLC certification and for Condition Assessment Program (CAP) surveys.

 What is a CAP?

 The Condition Assessment Programme (CAP) is an independent and comprehensive expertise of the actual ship's condition. CAP is separated from the classification system, however it could be complementary to the class regular surveys. CAP is based on detailed visual inspection of the hull structure, thickness measurements, structural strength calculations, inspection and test of machinery and cargo systems. At completion of the assessment, the Client (ship owner, ship operator, charterer or other interested party) will be provided with the CAP Certificate including rating assessed to the vessel and CAP Survey Report for the module/s as required and agreed.

 The CAP service can be provided to ships classed by CRS or by another classification society. Before commencement of CAP survey, a written request is to be sent by the Client to the CRS Head Office with the defined scope of condition assessment. The application is to be sent in advance at least 6 weeks before planned commencement of the CAP survey on board, with all necessary technical documentation, having in mind time necessary for survey preparation. Any valuable information or additional requirements from the other parties should be identified by the Client and provided to the CRS HO. The CAP service should be provided after positive evaluation of the submitted application and corresponding documentation.

 Following CAP modules are optional:

  • Hull (CAP-HULL)
  • Machinery and Cargo Systems (CAP-MCS)
  • Fatigue Strength Analysis (when required by the Client)

And a rating system has been established for describing condition of the ship assessed with range from 1 (Very good) to 4 (Poor).

 For more details, please contact your local CRS office and we would be glad to assist you for your requests.