{ Company REMOP - d.o.o. Short Name:REMOP - d.o.o. Street:Dolinska cesta 23 City:KOPER ZIP:6000 Country:SLOVENIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date Servicing of inflatable liferafts. Servicing of hydrostatic release units. Servicing of inflatable lifejackets. 01-015172/0111571 2026-01-31
{ Company REMOP - d.o.o. Short Name:REMOP - d.o.o. Street:Dolinska cesta 23 City:KOPER ZIP:6000 Country:SLOVENIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date Servicing of inflatable liferafts. Servicing of hydrostatic release units. Servicing of inflatable lifejackets. 01-015172/0111571 2026-01-31