{ Company CJEVOMONT d.o.o. Short Name:CJEVOMONT d.o.o. Street:Poslovna zona 1/13 City:Kutina ZIP:44320 Country:CROATIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date The ability for performing of welding works on the pipelines, equipment for the processing industry and on the structural steel construction. 01-015423/0111735 2025-06-05
{ Company CJEVOMONT d.o.o. Short Name:CJEVOMONT d.o.o. Street:Poslovna zona 1/13 City:Kutina ZIP:44320 Country:CROATIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date The ability for performing of welding works on the pipelines, equipment for the processing industry and on the structural steel construction. 01-015423/0111735 2025-06-05