{ Company NUIĆ NAUTIKA d.o.o. Short Name:NUIĆ NAUTIKA d.o.o. Street:Put Divulja 46 City:Kaštel Štafilić ZIP:21217 Country:CROATIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date Field of approval: The ability for performing of welding works in shipbuilding and shipengineering for the constructions subject to the survey by the Croatian Register of Shipping 01-015786/0112219 2025-12-17 01-016458/0112893 2028-04-21 The manufacture and repairing of vessels and other products made of fiber reinforced thermosetting resins. 01-016753/0113313 2028-09-16
{ Company NUIĆ NAUTIKA d.o.o. Short Name:NUIĆ NAUTIKA d.o.o. Street:Put Divulja 46 City:Kaštel Štafilić ZIP:21217 Country:CROATIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date Field of approval: The ability for performing of welding works in shipbuilding and shipengineering for the constructions subject to the survey by the Croatian Register of Shipping 01-015786/0112219 2025-12-17 01-016458/0112893 2028-04-21 The manufacture and repairing of vessels and other products made of fiber reinforced thermosetting resins. 01-016753/0113313 2028-09-16