{ Company JIDRO STIL d.o.o. Short Name:JIDRO STIL d.o.o. Street:Zvonimirova 35, Kamen City:Split ZIP:21000 Country:CROATIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date Welding works in shipbuilding and in production of steel constructions. The approval is in accordance with the CRS Rules for the Clasification of Ships, Part 26-Welding and requirements of HRN EN ISO 3834-3. 01-016365/0112277 2026-03-17
{ Company JIDRO STIL d.o.o. Short Name:JIDRO STIL d.o.o. Street:Zvonimirova 35, Kamen City:Split ZIP:21000 Country:CROATIA Company's Certificates Field of Approval Document Due date Welding works in shipbuilding and in production of steel constructions. The approval is in accordance with the CRS Rules for the Clasification of Ships, Part 26-Welding and requirements of HRN EN ISO 3834-3. 01-016365/0112277 2026-03-17