Company Field of Approval Document Due date
669500 LABORATORIJ ZA TOPLINSKA MJERENJA d.o.o. Materials non-combustibility test. Fire resistance tests for “A”, “B” and “F” class divisions. Fire test for fire door control system. Test for fire-resisting divisions of high-speed craft. 01-015343 / 0111752 2025-05-17
793400 ISTARSKO VELEUČILIŠTE Test laboratory for testing of materials and welded joints 01-016185 / 0112598 2027-06-08
830000 Razvojno inovacijski centar AluTech Test laboratory for testing of materials and welded joints. 01-016486 / 0112982 2025-03-18
762100 ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ - CENTAR ZA ISTRAŽIVANJE I RAZVOJ 1.Mechanical and technological testings of materials 2.Metallographic analysis of metals and welded joints 3.Testing of metals and welded joints by non-destructive methods 4.Testing of welders ability 5.Testing of quality of welded joints and consumables for welding and testing of weldability 6.Testing of welding procedure specifications 02-003314 / 025283 2025-07-02
815900 STSI-Integrirani tehnički servisi d.o.o. Testing of metals and welded joints: Radiographic testing Penetrant testing Magnetic particle testing Ultrasonic testing Visual examination Visual examination of pressure and process equipment Ultrasonic thickness measurement 02-003582 / 025529 2025-07-02
695400 TISAN d.o.o. Scope of recognition: 1.Radiographical testing of materials and welded joints 2.Ultrasonic testing of material and welded joints 3.Testing of materials and welded joints with magnetic particle methods 4.Testing of materials and welded joints with dye penetrant methods 5.Ultrasonic thickness measurement 6.Visual examinations 7.Tightness testing with vacuum 8.Hardness testing of materials and welded joints 9.Testing of anticorrosive protection 10.Residual field strength measurement protection 02-004663 / 026372 2025-11-21
Company Field of Approval Document Due date